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# название авторы год издания размер формат комментариев загрузил загружена
3065 Dacian vestiges from Hunedoara Valeriu Sarbu 2006 8.72 Мб RAR-Zalmoxis 22:31 01/01/2013
3064 Cetatile traco-getice de la Stancesti (sec. V - III i.Hr.) / The thraco-getic fortifications from Stancest Adrian Florescu, Marilena Florescu 2012 29.60 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 22:17 01/01/2013
3063 Argintul dacilor - Catalog de expozitie, Sibiu 2002 (Dacian Silver - Exhibition Catalogue, Sibiu, 2002) Bruckhental Museum 2002 15.97 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 21:57 01/01/2013
3062 Die Poienesti - Lukasevka Kultur Mircea Babes 1993 13.73 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 21:46 01/01/2013
3061 Societatea dacica de la Burebista la Decebal (Dacian society from Burebista to Dekebalus) Nicolae Gostar, Vasile Lica 1984 12.14 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 21:37 01/01/2013
3060 Spiritualitatea geto-dacilor (The religion of the Geto-Dacians) Ioan Horatiu Crisan 1986 80.20 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 21:28 01/01/2013
3059 Monedele geto-dacilor (The coins of the Geto-Dacians) Constantin Preda 1973 42.56 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 20:52 01/01/2013
3058 Tehnica la daci (Technique in the Dacian world) Eugen Iaroslavschi 1997 51.45 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 20:15 01/01/2013
3057 Mestesugurile la geto-daci (Handcrafts of the Geto-Dacians) Rodica Tantau 1972 22.94 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 19:50 01/01/2013
3056 Razboinici si artizani de prestigiu in Dacia preromana (Warriors and famous artizans in Dacia before the Romans) Aurel Rustoiu 2002 14.66 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 19:23 01/01/2013
3055 Orphica Magica Alexandar Fol 2004 1.60 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 19:14 01/01/2013
3054 Fortificatiile dacice din vestul si nord-vestul Romaniei (Dacian fortresses from western and north-western Romania) Horea Pop 2006 9.38 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 19:09 01/01/2013
3053 Argintul dacic salajan (Dacian Silver found in Salaj county) Horea Pop 2008 18.89 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 18:57 01/01/2013
3052 Asezarile dacice din Muntii Orastiei (The Dacian settlements from the Orastiei Mountains) C. Daicoviciu, Al. Ferenczi 1951 59.50 Мб DJVU-Zalmoxis 18:43 01/01/2013
3051 Ancient Berezant. The Architecture, History and Culture of the First Greek Colony in the Northern Black Sea S. L. Solovyov 1999 45.91 Мб RAR-Zalmoxis 18:16 01/01/2013
3050 La monnaie romaine chez les Daces orientaux V. Mihailescu - Birliba 1980 45.65 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 17:56 01/01/2013
3049 Moneda antica in vestul si nord-vestul Romaniei (The Ancient coin in western and north-western Romania) Sasianu Alexandru 1988 63.98 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 17:32 01/01/2013
3048 Asezari getice din Muntenia (Getic settlements from Wallachia) Radu Vulpe 1966 29.00 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 05:26 01/01/2013
3047 Regiunile est-carpatice ale Romaniei in secolele V-II i.d.Hr. (The eastern regions of Romania in centuries V-II B.C). Silvia Teodor 1999 51.04 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 04:51 01/01/2013
3046 Cronica geta apocrifa pe placi de plumb ? (An ipothetic getic chronicle on lead tablets ?) Dan Romalo 2004 60.99 Мб PDF11Zalmoxis 03:57 01/01/2013
3045 Asezarea dacica de la Arpasu de Sus (The Dacian settlement from Arpasu de Sus) Mihail Macrea, Ioan Glodariu 1976 48.59 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 03:13 01/01/2013
3044 Cetatea dacica de la Capalna (The Dacian fortress from Capalna) Ioan Glodariu, Vasile Moga 1989 44.32 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 02:01 01/01/2013
3043 Les Thraces entre les Carpates, les Balkans et la Mer Noire (V s.av. J.C - I s. apr. J.C). Quatre conferences donnees a la Sorbonne Valeriu Sirbu 2004 29.39 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 01:35 01/01/2013
3042 Dacii (The Dacians) Hadrian Daicoviciu 1966 15.80 Мб PDF1Zalmoxis 01:10 01/01/2013
3034 Dacii din estul Transilvaniei (The Dacians from Eastern Transylvania) V. Crisan 2000 48.57 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 19:32 16/12/2012
3033 Geto -dacii din Campia Munteniei (The Geto-Dacians from the Wallachia Plains) M. Turcu 1979 45.41 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 19:21 16/12/2012
3032 Dacia rasariteana in secolele VI- I i.Hr. Economia si moneda (Eastern Dacia in VI-I centuryes BC. Coinage and Economy) V. Mihailescu - Birliba 1990 20.08 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 18:59 16/12/2012
3031 Cetati dacice din sudul Transilvaniei (Dacian fortifications from Southern Transylvania) M. Macra, O. Floca, N. Lupu, I. Berciu, 1966 4.07 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 18:51 16/12/2012
3030 Intrudecere in arhitectura dacilor (Introduction in Dacian architecture) D. Antonescu 1984 80.30 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 18:45 16/12/2012
3029 Cetatile dacice din Moldova N. Gostar 1968 7.61 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 11:18 16/12/2012
3028 Sarmizegetusa C. Daicoviciu, H. Daicoviciu 1962 22.59 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 11:10 16/12/2012
3027 Pseudo - Hyginus - De Munitionibus Castrorum S. Crisan, C. Timoc, 2004 3.27 Мб PDF-Zalmoxis 11:01 16/12/2012



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