History-Fiction.ru: Y-DNA (37 markers) database including Rurikid princes and those males who are also suspecting their descent from Rurik (the 1st Russian prince, 9th century).

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Y-DNA (37 + 3 additional markers) database including Rurikid and Gediminid princes and those males who are also suspecting their descent either from Rurik (the 1st Russian prince, 9th century), or from Gedimin (The Grand Duke of Lithuania, 13th cent.). Contains currently the following surnames, Rurikids : Czetwertynski, Gagarin, Gorchakov, Khilkov, Kropotkin, Lobanov-Rostovsky, Mozarowski (and variants), Mozhaysky, Myshetsky, Niewmierzycki (and variants), Obolensky, Ossowiecki, Poscharsky, Putyatin, Puzyna, Rostowsky, Rzhevsky, Shahovskoi, Solomin, Szuyski, Tolloczko, Vadbolsky and Volkonsky, and Gediminids : Golitsin (Galitzine), Khovanskii (Chowanski), Chartorisky (Czartoryski), Trubetskoy (Trubecki), Urban(owicz), Svistunov, Cuthie (Jakutowicz), Barteit. However, not all of them were found to be genuine descendants of Rurik or of Gedimin, respectively. Besides, it was discovered that the Volkonsky/Obolensky branch is of Slavic descent (genetic haplogroup R1a1), and most probably princes in this branch are not descended from Rurik. By all means it seems that Rurik was a historical person, who was born on the Roslagen seashore (slightly north of Stockholm, Sweden). However, he was of the Finno-Ugrian descent (haplogroup N1c1 (earlier described as N3a) - although, theoretically, this could have been the Obolensky branch which might be descended from Rurik). The prince Piotr Szuyski is also of Slavic descent (R1a1).


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