History-Fiction.ru: Комментарии к книгам пользователя Zalmoxis

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§ 2     Zalmoxis     07/01/2013 16:55     кому: Всем
Sorry for answering in English, i do not speak Russian very well (i can read and understand but cannot write).

Yes, indeed, they are the same.... It seems there are known in Rusia and Moldova not just in Romania, altough most leading scientist who studied them say that there are not original Dacian artifacts but forgeries. Just like the Slavic Perun Chronicle, that are also on tablets and also considered to be a forgery.

Anyway about the Sinaia Lead Tablets or Сантьи даков as you call them, there are many rumours going on, some say that in Russia might be similar tablets, maybe that is where they where produced initially, who knows ? :)

with respect
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